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Space Coast Music Academy


Ashley Gambrell

Piano, Woodwind Specialist, Strings, Brass & Voice

Ashley Gambrell is currently owner of  Space Coast Music Academy and Business Manager for Psalterio Music.  Ashley began with an extensive piano background and went on to receive her Bachelor's of Music Degree in Music Education from the University of Kentucky with an emphasis in bassoon.  Ashley is a woodwind specialist, giving instruction on bassoon, flute, saxophone, oboe, clarinet and recorder.  While at the University of Kentucky she spent much study on strings and choir as well as band, becoming certified to teach band, orchestra, choir, and elementary music. She also served at the Drum Major of the University of Kentucky Wildcat Marching Band for two years.  Ashley taught in Akureyri, Iceland at Tonlistarkolinn a Akureyri  as woodwind specialist and band director, while also playing bassoon in the Sinfoniuhjlomsveit Nordurlands (North Iceland Symphony).  After returning to the United States, she continued teaching privately and brings to the table 23 years of teaching experience!  Ashley is also a mom of four great kiddos and current homeschooling teacher!

Dallas Gambrell

Organ, Piano, Voice, & Percussion

Dallas is the Director of Music for the Brevard Latin Mass Society. As Organist and Choirmaster, he leads music for the Traditional Latin Mass in Barefoot Bay, FL.  With an extensive background in piano, Dallas pursued a Bachelor's Degree in Percussion Performance from the University of Kentucky while also playing professionally with the Louisville Orchestra.  Dallas then  moved to Akureyri, Iceland to teach at Tonlistarkolinn a Akureyri for 2 1/2 years as percussion instructor & ensemble director, while also playing timpani with Sinfoniuhjlomsveit Nordurlands (North Iceland Symphony) and percussion with Sinfóníuhljómsveit Íslands (Iceland Symphony Orchestra).   He received his Master's in Music Education from Boston University, and went on to study Organ, and also study Voice from Oklahoma City University.  Dallas is CAGO & ChM Certified, also Kodaly, Ward, and Orff Certified.  He has taught Elementary Music, built numerous children's choral programs - RSCM affiliated, and created a diocesan Gregorian Chant Schola Cantorum in Oklahoma.  Dallas's Manus Damiani Schola Cantorum was requested to sing for Cardinal Burke's Pontifical High Mass in Oklahoma City as well as Bishop Slattery's Pontifical High Mass at the National Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague. (Broadcast on EWTN).  Besides his amazing conducting, playing, and teaching abilities, Dallas is also a composer and founder of Psalterio Music.  Mr. Dallas Gambrell is a musician of exceptional ability and we are thrilled to have him on our team!


By appointment

Lesson Availability 

Monday-Friday 1:00pm-7:00pm

Saturdays 9:00am-6:00pm


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